How Much Fat Should Be In Breastmilk?

As a lactation consultant, I often hear little tidbits about breastfeeding that make me shake my head.  One of these is the fat content in breastmilk.  This is usually what the medical profession and unsuspecting families will blame for a baby who isn’t gaining weight at the rate expected of them.  Breastfeeders might be told to increase their…

baby Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Attachment

When I was younger, I always thought of March as kind of a transition month.  We looked forward to March.  In upstate NY, winters can feel long.  March is “almost” spring. Maybe we will get a little more snow, but it doesn’t stick.  Even the sun feels a little warmer. Last March was hard.  I…

Breastfeeding, Plugged Ducts and Mastitis

If there’s anything breastfeeding mothers fear (besides teeth, that is) it’s plugged milk ducts and mastitis.  Mothers ask about plugs and mastitis prior to the baby being born.  Just because you’re breastfeeding, doesn’t mean that these things are a guarantee.  Some mothers will go their whole breastfeeding relationship without ever experiencing either one of these…

breastfeeding a sleepy baby

Breastfeeding = Power

Yeah, I said that.  Maybe not power like “I can lift a car”, but more like “I can do anything” kind of power.  Empowerment.  The cool thing is, most mothers don’t even realize this is happening.  I know I didn’t recognize it until much later, like when my kids were walking and talking and I…