A Change Will Do Us Good

I spent most of last week at the Healthy Children International Conference.  This was my second year at this conference.  Last year I had the pleasure of presenting a breakout workshop and this year a poster presentation. I love conferences.  I love learning new things about maternal child health.  I love enhancing my knowledge so…

breastfeeding baby

The Road Less Traveled

I was a mom with 3 young children and a piecemeal education when I began working with breastfeeding mothers.  My first son was born on the heels of my Army experience (born in an Army hospital, actually), so this should put into perspective what a different direction I had been in when I started my…


I’ve written a couple blogs discussing the way breastfeeding is regarded in this society.  It’s discouraging that we still struggle to normalize breastfeeding.  In a world where women have been sexualized and symbolized, breasts and bodies used to sell everything from underwear to food to cars, many still look at the beauty of a mother…

And the award goes to…

One of the wonderful things about the work that I do is the constant reminder that women are amazing beings. We marvel at the gift of pregnancy and childbirth, looking on in wonder time and time again when a new life is brought into the world.  If it ended here, that would be more than…

Down Under

I’m returning from Melbourne, Australia, where I was attending the International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA) conference.  This year I had the honor and pleasure of speaking at one of the breakout workshop sessions.  The topic I was speaking on was breastfeeding and trauma; how emotional trauma including child sexual abuse and intimate partner violence can…

Baby Whisperer

I’d be a rich woman if I had a dollar for every time a new mom said to me “The baby does so well when you’re here.  Can’t you just come back for every feed?”  Babies seem to behave perfectly when I’m observing a feed.  It’s almost as if they know that they are being…

baby latched at the breast

Milking Humans

One of my fondest memories of being a lactation consultant came at the Octoberfest a few years back.  We met up with some friends, one of which had an out of town visitor.  Introductions were made, and this wonderful young woman (who is from California) asked me what I do.  “I’m a Lactation Consultant” I…