Milkly - The Blog

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5 Things You Don’t Need To Know About Breastfeeding

 Have you ever thought about the things you don’t need to know when breastfeeding? I’m sure you have come across those lists…all about things you don’t need to know. Here are 5 of the most important things you DON’T need to know when you’re a breastfeeding parent.  How Much Milk You Make You might think…

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Truth Behind Cluster Feeding And Newborn Babies

I have been teaching prenatal breastfeeding classes for many years.  One of the first things we discuss is the benefits of breastfeeding.  Parents often have very specific reasons for wanting to breast/chest feed.  Whether it’s health benefits for the baby, health benefits for the parent, or any of the other amazing reasons, we agree breastmilk…

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How To Know If You Have Too Much Breastmilk

If you ask a breast/chestfeeding parent which is better, oversupply or low supply, they will likely say oversupply.  The truth is, neither is ideal.  You should have the amount of milk your baby needs.  I have seen my share of oversupply issues in the last few months.  How do you know if you have too…

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5 Reasons Why Your Baby Might Not Be Latching

Maybe you had envisioned having your sweet baby, lying skin to skin with them, and breastfeeding.  But then it happened; your baby didn’t latch.  Or the latch was painful, too painful to continue.  How do you breastfeed if your baby doesn’t latch? First things first.  We need to figure out why your baby won’t latch. …

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When To Pump And Introduce Bottles To Your Breastfed Baby

The value and benefit of breast/chestfeeding for both baby and parent are undeniable.  There are countless studies out there to substantiate why breastfeeding is advantageous.  We know breastfeeding provides a multitude of health benefits for both parent and baby.  There are also various environmental, psychological, physiological, and financial benefits that are attached to breastfeeding.  Regardless,…

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6 Ways To Breastfeed A Sleepy Baby

When I am teaching prenatal breastfeeding classes, I often tell parents one of their biggest obstacles to breast/chestfeeding in the early days is a sleepy baby.  We talk a lot about sleepy babies, how to manage them and what to expect for feeding.  Regardless of how much warning a new parent has, I think they…

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Why Feeding On Demand Is Important For Breastfeeding

Feeding on demand.  It sounds complicated and very involved.  Just what does it mean when lactation consultants (and others) recommend feeding on demand?  Well, there are several reasons why this is important.  Let’s take a closer look at what feeding on demand looks like. Feeding on demand is basically what it sounds like.  Is your…

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